• Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows

    Want a kid-approved treat that’s as easy as it is delicious? These chocolate dipped marshmallows covered in rainbow sprinkles are just that. Kid-approved, easy, AND delicious. When I told Anna what we were making today, her eyes got really big and she couldn’t speak for a few beats. It helps that I combined all of her very favorite treats: chocolate, marshmallows, and rainbow sprinkles into one delicious project. (I’m pretty sure I win mom of the year award for that one.) This is a great activity for letting your little take the lead and have some fun. All you need…

  • Peanut Butter Chia Pudding

    I’ve had a love hate relationship with chia pudding for years. I’ve wanted to love it but end up just hating it because of how runny and slimy it is. I would see recipes online for the thickest and most delicious looking chia pudding and wonder why mine never looked (or tasted) as good. I went so far as to buy an electric grinder thinking it was a texture thing. When that didn’t work, I gave up and just added a tablespoon of chia seeds to smoothies or breads here and there. That is, until a month ago when my…

  • Chocolate Chip Chickpea Bites

    High in protein and high in flavor, these toddler- and kid-friendly chocolate chip chickpea bites are a snack the whole family will love. With Anna in camp this summer, I’ve been trying to find healthy snacks to pack for her each day. Last week, she chose blueberry mini muffins (which she continues to ask about) and finished the batch in 4 days. We moved onto blender muffins (I even made a double batch!) and everyone devoured them in 3 days flat, so they didn’t even make it to the week’s end.

  • Rice Chex Treats

    A fun twist on Rice Krispie Treats, these Rice Chex Treats are crunchy AND chewy, sweet, and 100% satisfying. Kids of all ages are sure to enjoy these. There are few things that make me more annoyed than wasting food. It’s like throwing away money to me. Which kind of sucks, because having a picky eater for a child and a husband who doesn’t love leftovers means there is the potential for a LOT of food waste. So when Anna told me that she was over her Rice Chex obsession 1/8th of the way into a huge box of it,…

  • Kid-Approved Cherry Sorbet

    Anna has really gotten into cherries this year and asks to buy them whenever she sees them in the grocery store. She loves that it’s a “big girl” food because of the pit. The fact that they taste good is a bonus. Sadly, the last bunch we got wasn’t the greatest and sat in the refrigerator for way longer than they should have. So I took to Pinterest to find something that wasn’t pie to make with them. Two things showed up in my search: cherry pie crumble bars and cherry sorbet. Both sounded amazing to me. Sorbet sounded amazing…

  • Strawberry Mango Popsicles

    We were ALL ABOUT popsicles a few years ago, making every flavor combination we could think of (except strawberry mango). They were super easy to make, I could control what went in them, AND Anna loved having a sweet treat she could grab and devour. When winter came, our insatiable appetite for popsicles disappeared and we put away the popsicle molds into some out of the way spot in our basement. Meaning, they got buried under a crap ton of other toddler stuff and we completely forgot about them untiiiil a few days ago when we were going through baby…

  • Frozen Banana Bites

    Frozen banana bites are a healthy treat that tastes anything but! Easy to customize and fancy up, these are sure to satisfy in the best way possible. If you were to ask Anna what she loved to eat more than anything in the world, she’s probably tell you one of two things: hot dogs or chocolate. Sometimes she throws in donuts, but only because she likes the ones with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles. (What can I say, she’s easy to please.) So when she came across frozen banana bites that were covered in chocolate on one of our grocery…