Looking for some fun and easy craft projects to do with kids? Here are 5 different projects to try. Most can be completed in under 30 minutes and are suitable for kids ages 4 and up.
With #the100dayproject in full swing over here, we’ve been getting our craft on with some seriously fun projects. Hands down, these 5 craft projects for kids have been our absolute favorites to do together and are relatively easy (and inexpensive) to complete. SCORE!
A note about the projects: they can all be done in a day, with most being completed in under 30 minutes. A few of the projects do require a bit more adult intervention (like the ones with sewing and using scissors). And based on our experience, all can be completed by kids aged 4 and up.
So here’s to having fun this week or month and adding some more crafting into your day!
5 kid-approved craft projects:

Coffee filter butterflies via One Little Project
This project is so simple and so satisfying. We had all of the supplies on hand, from the water-based markers to the coffee filters and cranked out 10-15 different filter “paintings” in 10 minutes. It took longer for the coffee filters to dry then it did to mark them up. Once dry, it’s another two to three minutes to fold them up and tie them all together with pipe cleaners.
This would make a great rainy-day project or an it’s too-darn-hot-to-do-much project over the summer.
Project tutorial and process photos can be found here.

Travel Tic Tac Toe game via Balancing Home
Knowing that we would be traveling on an airplane during the project made it important to find some airplane-friendly projects. This travel tic-tac-toe game does not disappoint. Though, we seemed to play it more in the house than we did on the airplane. HA! It’s super easy (especially if you already have a little pouch at home) and can be made with buttons, rocks, or other found objects. Some of the travel pouches get fancy and sew ribbon onto the front to make the board, but we went lo-tech and drew it on with a Sharpie and a ruler.
Instructions for making your own can be found here.

Pocket kitties via Swoodson Says
These are so little and so cute!! I seriously can’t get enough of these little guys and can see myself making these for pretty much every kid party we go to for the next 10 years. They are so versatile and sweet and can be made with whatever scraps you have on hand. I even stuffed ours with the yarn cuttings from our pom-pom headband adventures (hooray for re-using!).
To get all of the instructions and a free template for the kitties, head on over to Swoodson Says.

Pom Pom Headbands via Aww Sam
I am obsessed with these pom pom headbands. I loved making the pom pom’s and found it to be addictive to trim them and make them fluff. Anna didn’t love the end result — she said it was too big for her — but thought they were fun to make. Her bestie, on the other hand, loved it and happily took it off her hands. I know we are going to enjoy making other pom pom themed crafts and this was a seriously fun one to get our feet wet with pom pom making.
Full tutorial and gorgeous photos of the project over on Brit + Co.

Watercolor + Rubbing Alcohol via Made With Lev
We have long been fans of painting in the house of Lev, so this one was an obvious slam dunk for us. Not only did we get to make a mess and paint with watercolor, we got to drip something on top of it. All I can say is DANG is it satisfying to see how the alcohol changes the paintings and plays with the watercolor. Highly recommend this one for anyone who likes to paint.
You can find all of the glorious details in this blog post.
Your turn! What are YOUR favorite crafting projects? Any we should add to our list?
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