Everything I want to do less of in the new year.

With 2024 coming to a close, I’m starting to think about things I want to do less of in 2025. And most of them center around consuming less and having less stuff cluttering my mind and home. That’s right, instead of adding new things in, I want to do less.

Less wasting.

Less buying.

Less letting things pile up.

Less screen time for the kids (and me, let’s be real).

Less time spent inside.

I want to do LESS of in 2025 so that I can be MORE present, relaxed, and at ease in my own home.

Here are five things I want to do less of in 2025:

  1. Buy less stuff. I really want to focus my efforts on using what I already have before going out and spending money on the latest and greatest. I have a habit of going down rabbit holes and getting really into a new project. Problem is, new projects come with new tools and supplies. So instead of diving into something new, I’m going to do my utmost to find ways — new and old — to use up the things I already have on hand.
  2. Waste less food. This goes right along with the use it if you got it mantra, but applies very specifically to food. We tend to throw a lot of food away — mostly because no one loves leftovers in this house — or just plain forget to use certain ingredients because I decide not to make a recipe on the menu plan. I am hoping that by using what we have on hand and getting creative with mealtime that our grocery bill will go down a bit AND it will save me a million and one trips to the grocery store each week.
  3. Stop letting things pile up. I have a habit of putting off cleaning and letting things pile up before I absolutely lose my mind due to the clutter and rage clean for hours. The 5-minute rule states that anything that takes 5 minutes or less to put away, clean up, or otherwise take care of, SHALL BE DONE and not put off until later. Because, let’s be honest, later never comes and then I’m a grumpy and resentful human.
  4. Less screen time and more creating. Once upon a time, I spent a great deal of time crafting and creating things with my kids. Life (and a pandemic) happened and we fell out of the habit. Unfortunately, that means my kids spend a lot of time on their screens. So, my goal for 2025 is to have less screen time and way more hands-getting-dirty-and-creating-things time.
  5. Less time spent in the house. I feel like 2024 was the year of hibernating and snuggling on the couch. Don’t get me wrong, I have loved every second of it, But I’m ready to stretch my legs and get out of the house. With that said, I really want 2025 to be the year of getting out and doing things; whether that’s in discovering new spots in town, hitting up fun new restaurants, or making a plan to visit a good chunk of libraries in our county (there are over 70!).

What about you? What do you want to do less of?

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