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Four books that changed my life for the better

Today’s post features the books that changed my life for the better and helped me view the world differently.

I know I’ve shared about eight million romance book titles in the last few weeks, and while those are the books I am currently reading like they contain the answers to all of the mysteries of the world, there are actually quite a few books that do contain the answers to all the mysteries of the world. And, in turn, have had a massive impact on my life.

That’s right.

I’ve actually read something besides a romance novel!

In fact, the self help and wellness genres were my preferred genres up until a few years ago when I completely burned out on the material. (It only took 25 years to get there, so I’m calling that a win.)

With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to share the books that had a major impact on my life and made me view the world differently. I’m sure there are more books I could add to this list, but these are THE books that changed my life for the better.

Four books that changed my life for the better:

  1. Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss.
    This book was the first spiritual book I read and it legitimately altered my DNA. I was in graduate school, studying mental health and working with at-risk youth, and here was a book that talked about how our past experiences and trauma directly impacts our physical and spiritual health. I had so many lightbulb moments and could see what she was writing about in the people I was working with on a daily basis.
  2. Make Miracles In Forty Days by Melodie Beatty
    I came upon this book at one of the lowest points in my life, where expressing gratitude felt like an impossible and pointless task when there were so many horrific things happening in my life. Instead, Beatty offered up a different kind of perspective, one that allowed me to acknowledge and embrace the good and the bad in my life without trying to change it or make it better. And in that acceptance, massive shifts and, yes, miracles occur.
  3. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann
    This book helped me rethink the way I was interacting with success and my vision for the future through the mantra of give and you shall receive. I loved how accessible the stories were and how simple it was to put good in the world, helping people and being a kind human, which led to getting good things in return.
  4. Momma Zen (and Hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions For An Ordinary Life) from Karen Maezen Miller
    Momma Zen found me when I was struggling with motherhood and a profound loss of identity. Through her books, Miller uses the backdrop of motherhood and the everyday facets of life to explore concepts of Zen Buddhism. Concepts like finding fulfillment, developing greater self-awareness, and acceptance. It’s so seemingly simple and so utterly profound at the same time.
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*These are all affiliate links, meaning that if you click a link and buy something as a result, I make a small commission on the sale (at not cost to you). Which is very much appreciated.

What about you? What books had a profound impact on your life? Drop a title and an author below.

Hi, I’m Emily and I love making things with my hands. I always have a project (or ten) in the works and love to draw, paint, cook, sew, cross stitch, and make soap. This year, I’m focusing on using what we already have and wasting less.

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