• Sheet Pan Gnocchi

    Dinner (and meals in general) have been a struggle in our house for as long as I can remember. Anna is a super picky kid who likes precisely five things and will eat them on repeat ad nauseam. So when she tried AND LIKED the gnocchi from this sheet pan gnocchi, I was floored. FLOORED, I tell you. And while she had her gnocchi tonight as a side with her favorite hot dog and cucumber slices, I wasn’t fussing because she ate every single piece on her plate without complaint.

  • Sheet Pan Pancakes

    Anna has been begging to make things in the kitchen lately. First it was all things spa-related. Then it turned into all things chocolate related. Her most recent obsessions? Sheet pan pancakes. I’m not sure why she was so into these since I’ve only made them once (a full year ago, no less), but she’s been asking about them for almost a week. She even requested that we have blueberries and bananas with them. I had originally planned to make them for dinner on Friday since they are so easy, but the husband had randomly ordered himself pancakes that morning…