2025 is the year of music

If 2024 was the year of reading, 2025 is officially the year of music.

In 2024, reading was my entire personality. It was my sole source of comfort and a means for escaping with a heaping side of enjoyment thrown in for good measure. I officially read 242 books according to The StoryGraph (with GoodReads clocking me at 258, not sure what the discrepancy was there) and blew my own damn mind.

I didn’t know it was even possible to read that many books.

Towards the end of December, I started to get bored with reading. I found myself doing other things. And when I did sit down to read, I found myself not really enjoying it. There was a two day stretch where I ended up returning every book I tried because I just couldn’t get into them. But I was determined to finish out the year strong and ended up finding a few books that caught my interest.

Now that we are firmly into 2025, I have allowed myself to explore other sources of entertainment and joy. After going inward and shutting myself off for so long, I’m finding that it’s time to go outward and start writing, sharing, and creating again.

If 2024 was all about reading, I’m declaring 2025 will be all about music.

Switching over to Apple Music has helped me rediscover so many old favorites or long forgotten songs. I’m loving every second spent listening to old favorites and doubling down on my current fav’s. I’ve even stumbled across an old shoebox filled with mixtapes from the 1990s and have been converting those into playlists. And OMG has it been bringing me so much joy.

Mix tapes and CD Mixes were definitely my love language and how I catalogued my years (or semesters, when I was in school). So much of that magic was lost for me with streaming music, though I could 100% bring that same energy into creating playlists for the year as a way to catalogue our year in music.

Must. Reclaim. The magic.

Want to spy on teenaged Emily and go down memory lane with me?

Here are all the mixed-tape-turned-playlists from my Apple Music:

Next up on the turn-it-into-a-playlist list: all of the Mix CDs I made that are sitting in two massive CD books. I’m sure there are another 10-15 CD compilations that I can work my way through. AND I CANNOT WAIT.

What about you? Will this be a year of music for you as well? What are some of your favorite tunes (from the 90s or otherwise)?

4 thoughts on “2025 is the year of music”

  1. Emily! I LOVE this! Can’t wait to listen to some of these – for me, they’re music from graduate school. Already loving the True Romance mix! Yes to reclaiming the magic!


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