• From killer romances to billionaires next door, here are all the books I read in January

    From killer romances to billionaires next door, I managed to read a grand total of 12 books in January. Some were good and some … weren’t. Read on to find out which books were my favorite and which books I didn’t quite love. Every year I set a goal for the number of books I want to read and then promptly forget about it halfway through the year. Last year, I didn’t even remember setting a goal to read 26 books. Thankfully, I discovered a love for listening to audiobooks while creating and ended up binge-listening to 38 books between…

  • My Favorite Books of 2023

    I feel like I go in spurts with reading. Some months I want nothing to do with reading and will binge Netflix like there’s no tomorrow. And other months I’ll plow through 4-5 books a week. Lately, I’ve been in a binge reading (and listening) phase, as I love listening to books while I’m drawing or doing embroidery. I had made a goal to read 36 books last year and ended up hitting that number around November. So I upped it to 52 books, figuring I had nothing to lose, and was pleasantly surprised when I ended up reading (and…